Species - Saurischi

The Saurischi are bipedal organisms with a biology more reptilian than anything else. They are extremely warlike and possess a fearsome array of excellent weapon sytems. A low reproductive rate slows growth but their tolerance of diverse habitats provides plenty of opportunities for new colony establishment.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Saurischi prefer Oxygen atmosphere worlds with temperate to hot climates and standard or low gravity. Can tolerate a number of less than ideal planetary conditions.They compete directly with Human races, the Cetaci and the Myrmodi for real estate.

Click the Saurishi for a closeup.
Facility costs are high, though somewhat reduced by Era 5 and 9 Colony Improvements.
Hull Types are restricted and Shields few. Weapon mounts are plentiful
All Shields are strong and improved by Era 2 and 4 Military Improvements.
Propulsion systems are excellent, and two helpful Military Improvements are available (Eras 2 and 8).
Astro-Navigation is weak in early Eras but soon improves.
ECM systems are average.
Offensive Projectiles are excellent, inexpensive and have the added bonus of compatibility across most Hull sizes. Era 10 has an excellent Military Improvement.
Defensive Projectiles are good, and made beeter by Era 3 and 10 Military Improvements.
DD Beam Weapons are about the best in the game. Larger Beam Weapons are particulary powerful at Close Range. Valuable Military Improvements become available in Eras 4 and 8.
Military Improvements are many; rate of fire, evasion, interception, penetration, propulsion, deflection and planet attack can be improved.
Colony Improvements are extensive. The decreases in Industry and R&D facility costs make a big difference.
SP costs for Era jumps are low for Eras 1 through 5. They become more expensive for the later eras.
Warlike nature may restrict diplomatic opportunities in multiplayer games.
Poor trade capability means alliances will prove more beneficial to your ally.
Base Rate of Fire is 80. Excellent.


Default Production Queue
The first couple of times you play the Saurischi, I recommend you configure the default production queue as follows, especially in the early game.

I1 / R1 / D1 / I2 / R2 / D2 / S1 / I3 / R3 / D3 / S2 / M / I4 / R4 / C / S3 / D4 / S4